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July 22, 2021Everything You Need to Know About Granite

One of the most popular types of natural stone that are used in homes is granite. Yet few homeowners actually know what granite is or what they need to do to keep it lasting for years. Here are a few things you should know about granite and how to ensure you’re taking care of it the right way.
What is Granite?
The common slab of stone known as granite isn’t actually made of the mineral called granite. It’s a combination of different minerals. The most common mixture is quartz, mica, and feldspar. When combined together, it creates an extremely strong and durable stone that’s called granite. The formation and mixture of the different minerals is a result of cooling lava or magma. The granite you have in your home essentially came from a volcanic eruption thousands of years ago. Because it’s so hard, the quarrying of granite is often done through explosions. It’s blasted from the rest of the stone, then taken to a facility where it’s cut into slabs that can be sold to consumers.
What Colors Does Granite Come In?
There are a few different shades and hues that granite comes in. The variation is dependent on the type of materials that make up the stone. The color also depends on the location of where the granite was taken. The most common colors of granite include brown, black, and white. Yet there are even rare colors like blue. Pure white is also rare. Most often, white slabs other colors in it like flecks of brown or black. However, finding a pure white slab is possible if you know where to look. Black is likely the most common and popular choice. Like white granite, it’s also possible to find black granite that has flecks of other colors if you prefer patterns or a dash of color. Brown granite isn’t exactly brown. It’s made up of a series of flecks of black and white that makes it appear brown. The earthy color is popular among homeowners because it’s natural-looking. The shade is considered earthy and neutral. That makes it ideal for blending in with existing colors and aesthetics in a room. One of the unique aspects of granite is that each slab is unique. It’s completely natural which means the flecks and patterns in one slab won’t be the same as another slab. If you’re someone that craves unique and original stone, then granite is a great option for you.
The Durability and Maintenance Needs of Granite
One of the primary reasons that homeowners buy granite is its durability. It’s often considered to be as strong as diamond. However, enough abuse can eventually damage your countertop. That being said, granite is extremely hard and holds up well against hot pans and baking sheets. You can even prepare your food directly against granite slabs, but that’s a quick way to dull your knives. Maintaining your granite countertop is easy. It doesn’t require staining or any special equipment to keep it protected. All you need to do is clean it with standard dish soap and a soft towel. You should also still avoid preparing food directly on the surface and placing hot pans on it. With enough exposure and wear and tear, granite can eventually start to deteriorate.
Find Your Granite Slab
Granite is an incredible type of natural stone that looks unique, lasts practically forever, and comes in different stunning shades of color. To ensure you find the slab that’s perfect for your needs and to receive help in its installation, you should call the experts at JPJ Granite today.